I had always been curious about seeing an acupuncturist, but it wasn’t until after a coworker explained how it helped with her stomach issues, allergies, and even regulating hormones, that I decided to give it a try.  Due to on-going stomach issues that had progressed to painful daily episodes, I was willing to try anything!  I debated seeing a gastroenterologist, knowing fully that there would be lots of tests and more than likely, and diagnosis of IBS and then prescription with more harmful side effects listed on the label than my original issue.

I went back to my coworker and asked if her Doctor could recommend an acupuncturist in my area and that’s when I found Dr. Carlos Chapa.  I started seeing him in March of 2014 and during my first visit, he said “Give me one month and if you’re feeling better, I’ll give you one month for free.”  Within one month of receiving acupuncture treatments, a special diet, and taking herbs, I started feeling so much better!  I’ve been receiving acupuncture treatments for over eight months now and, with my herbal supplements, I’m able to start eating foods I had given up at the beginning of my treatment….with NO stomach issues!

I know for some people, they may be skeptical of acupuncture, but I’m proof it works.  So if you’re suffering from stomach issues, allergies, hormones, weight issues, etc., please go see Dr. Carlos Chapa at the Acupuncture Integrative Medical Center in Irving or Mesquite.

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