We accept ALL INSURANCES and are in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield & United Health Care Keep in mind that every policy is different and some cover Acupuncture and others do not. We [...]
An alternative medicine means that it is a system within itself and complete. For the most part one can use the alternative medical system for almost all their healthcare needs. A complementary [...]
A single herb has potential for side effects because it may have a particular action on the whole body that isn’t desired. However, an herbal formula carefully designed by a well-trained [...]
When performed by a properly trained and licensed practitioner, acupuncture is safe and effective, free from adverse or addictive side effects. There is a small chance of bleeding, tenderness or [...]
Oriental Medicine and acupuncture are powerful healing tools, but they are not panaceas nor the solution to every health care problem. Both Western and Oriental Medicine have their respective [...]
Always ask any practitioner about the extent of his or her training. In most states, acupuncturists are considered independent or primary care providers. This responsibility requires extensive [...]
An exam/consultation includes the practitioner taking a comprehensive medical history, questioning the patient about his/her chief complaints and making observations about the patient such as, [...]
Usually the first visit is the longest in order to allow for a complete history taking and exam – typically one to one and one-half hours. Follow-up visits are shorter, usually 30 minutes.
Everyone is different. Acute problems like a sore throat, sinus congestion, pain can be resolved in a single session — even during the session. With chronic problems, significant results will [...]
Most patients would say, “relaxing.” Usually patients leave in less discomfort and are more functional than when they walked in. Sometimes the effects are too subtle to perceive, especially in [...]